Wednesday, November 3, 2010

This Saturday Ladies Only bikeride 11/6/2010

Good Morning Ladies
This Saturday's Bike ride will take us around the Awhatukee area. We will meet at 6:45 ready to ride at 7 am. While the weather hasn't turned cold yet please hydrate your body by drinking plenty of fluids. Eat a good dinner on Friday night and a light breakfast the morning of.

Have a great week, see you Saturday

P.s., Joe is home and doing better-- Thank you all for your support.

Also for any of the Ladies that are runners/walkers looking for a cause. Please go out and support Maggie's place this Saturday. This is one of the charities that the Tribe supports, Please support Kevin and the Tribe by supporting this event. To read more about this please cut and past this link: http://race4maggiespl... or go to the Ladies Blog and read A note from Kevin.

A Note from Charlie

Hey Everyone
I hope you all had a great Halloween. This Sunday will be a difficult ride in the Awahtukee area starting from The Nosh bagel shop(S.E. corner of 48th St. & Warner)doing all of the hills in the area both up & down. The start time has moved up to 7:00 a.m. & no we don`t set our clocks back. We may split into 2 groups depending on who shows up. If anyone wants to come out to ride & not do as many hills I can direct them around the harder ones & still be able to regroup in the area. Come on out & enjoy. See you then.

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