Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Saturday Ladies only M/T Tour bike ride

Good Morning Ladies

This Saturday we will venture into a new Route. The M/T Tour has a challenge for all levels of riders. We will meet at the Tribe Multisport on the NE side of Indian School and Miller at 5:45 am, ready to ride at 6 am..The Heat is back so please prep yourself by drinking plenty of fluids with electrolytes. prep your water bottles by filling them 1/2 way and placing them in the freezer. Top them off the morning of the ride. Also eat a good dinner and a lite breakfast before the bike ride.. .
As the summer progresses and you find that the heat is becoming a bit much, There are ways to stay cool, you can purchase a cooling scarf or a pair of arm coolers(same concept as the arm warmers but in reverse).

PS: Thank you to everyone that came out and walked this pass Sunday. Mieko said she really needed that and appreciated it. Thank you

Have a great week

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