Wednesday, June 29, 2011

This Saturday Ladies only ride In Awhatukee

Good Morning Ladies

This Saturday we are meeting at 5 am with wheels down no later than 5:20 am.. It is hot, so we are trying to stay ahead of the Sun. As always start drinking plenty of water today,and place your full water bottles in the freezer. As a point ALWAYS drink plenty of water. Living here in the desert, we stay on the edge of dehydration.. As Ladies we need to take care of our skin also. Look for a sunblock that will protect your skin while riding in the sun, but also look for a good lotion that will put back the moisture that living in the desert,and the Love of our sport, takes away. It is a fine balance but in order to keep doing what we love to do we have to find that balance. As my Grandmama always said "If you take care of your body, it will take care of you". She lived to the great age of 93, she stood straight @ 6'2" and look like she was in her 40's.

Take the Advice see you Saturday


Please check the Ladies Blog, One of the Ladies gave me a Job opening with her company

Check out the Save our Summer Event, Arizona's largest blood Drive, you have a chance to win D Back Tickets and other prizes July 2

I will post the July calendar by friday, sorry for the delay.

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